Please give a big IB welcome to our guest designer for sketch #43 the super talented Danielle Flanders! You have seen her beautiful work in all the major scrapbook/paper crafting magazines and she designs for many of the top scrapbooking manufacturers including: Pink Paislee, Melissa Frances, Jenni Bowlin Studios and Tattered Angels!!!
We are so thrilled to have her here at IB this month and we hope you are inspired by her work as much as we are!!!
Here is a little bit about Danielle...
Hi! I'm Danielle Flanders and I currently live in upstate N.Y. near Saratoga Springs with my hubby of 10 years. We have 2 pretty girls, Taylor is 10 and Kati is 4! I am lucky enough to stay at home with them now. Previously, I worked as an elementary teacher for K-2 grades (in one room together) on the Indian Reservation in South Dakota. That was the most interesting job I've held, well besides being a mom, of course! Never a dull moment! I've been scrapbooking for 10 years and started when Taylor was born to create a baby book for her. I love every minute of creating and usually stay up late at night to scrap when it's nice and quiet. Thanks so much for having me here today!
I was inspired by the curve on the left of the sketch and found this Jenni Bowlin paper in my stash that had the brown sides on it like that already. I wanted to print out all of the different things my daughter likes to play now at this age, but don't have a 12x12" printer. So I printed them out on an 8.5 x 11" page of vellum and layered it over the center of my page. I repeated the text, because I couldn't think of enough things to fill the whole page. The repeated text was great, because then I didn't have to feel bad covering any of it up with my photos. I added 3 stars cut out from patterned paper to represent the journaling strips, since I already had my journaling in the background.
Check out more of Danielle's amazing work on her blog:
I just love Danielle's work! Beautiful page - loving how she worked her journaling all together with the photos!
Posted by: Rhonda V. | March 04, 2010 at 12:20 AM